Frequently Asked Questions

How far is it from Porthcawl town centre?

It's about 1.6 miles (approx 2km) - 4 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking

Where is the nearest bus stop?

At the end of Zig Zag Lane on the opposite side of the road. Regular service to the town centre, sea front, and Cardiff.

Where is the nearest shop?

The nearest mini supermarket is about 1 mile away from the campsite, and there is a supermarket within Porthcawl town centre. There are a couple of larger superstores within about 5 miles away in both Bridgend and Kenfig Hill.

Where is the nearest beach?

Newton beach is about 1.7 miles away (7 min drive or 30 mins walk)

Where is the nearest pub?

Newton Village has 3 pubs all serving food, some are dog friendly only about 10 mins walk from our site